Is there any better way to start off a day than praying, reading Quran only to end off within the priceless pages of a history book?
Islamic history enchants me. Even though my poor memory hardly grasps all the details of the renaissance, downfalls and catastrophes throughout history, every time I delve deeper I realize that history truely and powerfully repeats itself.
"ماذا خسر العالم بانحطاط المسلمين"
"What Did the World Lose by the Downfall of Muslims"
(4shared link:
This books is THE book to read if you're looking to better understand the quenching-ly miserable state muslims are brewing themselves in at the monent. I can't believe I'm hardly done with the first few pages, yet I'm having an overwhelming desire to quote every little word of it. I'm not sure there shall be an uprising in the Muslim world if Muslims like ourselves didn't treat themselves to such books, bringing about an ideal sophrosyne into the troubled waters we're all sailing through.
We've been long impoverished by our lack of knowledge and the overriding worldly desires. It's about time, I trust, that we get up, rub the dirt off our minds, and fuel our souls with an honest desire to change.
Lets remember, my friends, that Allah oversees it all. That shall He see our endeavors, he'll undoubtedly help us through.
"و لكن لم يكن انحطاط المسلمين ووال دولتهم و ركود ريحهم- و هم حملة رسالة الأنبياء، و هم للعالم البشري كالعافية للجسم الإنساني- انحطاط شعب أو عنصر أو قومية، فما أهون خطبه و ما أخف وقعه، و اكن انحطاط رسالة هي للمجتمع البشري كالروح، و انهيار دعامة قام عليها نظام الدين و الدنيا. "
-ماذا خسر العالم بانحطاط المسلمين
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