Thursday, 13 October 2011

Pivot Point

Riveted as anyone can get to the absurdities of life, I lived through a couple of months in extreme selfishness and uncaring. Uncaring was the daily theme. Life is a bitch,and then you die full stop.Turned out that I was wrong.

Major turning points line up and make our life plotline.Syllables of emotions,incidents,failures,and successes dash down the story of our life. Funny how we stand useless watching these flickers of insanity mess around with our existence.Sad how we rarely endeavor to do anything about it.

I fell into a considerable some of pits throughout my life. Some of which were so ominous that I later felt incredulous as to how oblivious I was,stepping right into them without a pinch of mentality.Some,on the other hand were so finely polished that it felt as if you're heading down an alleyway in the seventh heaven.These were the most deceiving of all...pits which felt so right to fall into,so cozy to sleep within,and so dangerous to get out of. So far I have fallen into just one,and was it not for Allah's mercy,the fall woulda been a lethal one.

This was the pit of thinking that life has given up on me already.That no matter how hard I tried,I'll still trip over tons of bumps in life that my body shall be too severed to carry on.So why not save up the pain and effort and QUIT already?Why head down unknown aisles?Why live up a dream and burn the candle at both ends to see it step into reality?Why not lay back and shake it off and laugh it up?The answer,simple as it was,was not something I thought had existed..up until the pivot point of my life.

Today was more of a day that you'd expect to have come outta the 'lived happily ever after' chapter of Cinderella.Happiness was the dominating theme.Pride mingled with euphoria tranquilly flooded my soul as I received this Certificate of Honor for Academic Excellence.It was more of a nice stroke,from Allah, to lead me back to righteousness.I felt that all of a sudden I'm being snatched from a a freefall,and taken into a safe haven...into a cave so intricately embroidered with passionate emotions,and so nicely blessed with serene quranic verses..

This is a reminder for myself,and for anyone reading my humble words: no matter how far we stray ,Allah always finds the way to bring us back..we should opt for listening more closely to that sound of our hearts,and glimpsing more clearly that light of His path.


"Allah wants to make clear to you [the lawful from the unlawful] and guide you to the [good] practices of those before you and to accept your repentance. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.
Allah wants to accept your repentance, but those who follow [their] passions want you to digress [into] a great deviation.
And Allah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and mankind was created weak."
